Monday, September 6, 2010

September 5th Fun Drive (including video)

What a blast this weekend was, with a fun drive at our farm! While Draken isn't in this particular video I did want to share it as it demonstrates what fun driving can be.

Let's see, there were two first time drivers (they drove Trick and Treat, our very good minis) and two horses that were new to our farm at the event. We had an obstacle course, a progressive cones course and two marathon type hazards set up. It's a fun day so we competed for candy bars and a giant donut.

Draken rocked through the hazards with a time of 1:43 but Mom doesn't let us compete for the candy bars. I've got to find someone else with a Standardbred to compete against. Dang horse beat everyone by at least 4 seconds (I think, after the event Mom thought the next fastest time was 1:57 but I thought it was 1:47.) Wiser, the Heflinger, had a smoking run and beat my Dad by 2 seconds. For me I did really good in the progressive cones but Kelly Clark had a clean run with a speedy time. The hazards we did good in, I have no idea what our time was, Keeper being driven by Howard Martin won that "class." The 'candy cane' poles created a nice optical illusion as you came down the little hill at them.

Most importantly though was the fact that everyone had a good time with lots of laughter, fantastic weather and a good potluck lunch.

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